Bringing home an IGT draw poker machine can be exciting until you’re hit with the overwhelming scent of stale beer and cigarettes. In this video, join us as we tackle the challenge of eliminating those funky odors from your vintage gaming machine. Using a scale of 1 to 10, we gauge the intensity of the smell and demonstrate step-by-step methods to refresh your machine, from blowing out dirt with compressed air to cleaning with Windex or 409. Discover the secret weapon to banish tobacco odors: a box of Arm and Hammer baking soda strategically placed inside the machine. Follow our guide to reclaim the freshness of your poker machine and enjoy a clean gaming experience at home. Don’t let unpleasant odors ruin your gaming fun – learn how to get the funk out with our simple tips and tricks!

Lawton Barnes

Lawton Barnes

Lawton Barnes owns 14 video poker and slot machines in various states of disrepair. He desperately needs to get a haircut and a real job.

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