Lawton Barnes from the Metal Shop presents a straightforward solution for fixing burned-out buttons on your IGT Player’s Edge poker machine. Instead of tackling the intricate wiring inside the machine, Lawton demonstrates a simple and efficient method using only needle-nose pliers and replacement light bulbs. With clear instructions and practical tips, Lawton guides you through the process step-by-step, ensuring that even beginners can successfully replace burned-out buttons with ease. Whether you’re dealing with a single malfunctioning button or want to maintain your poker machine’s functionality, Lawton’s method provides a quick and effective solution. Don’t let burned-out buttons interrupt your gaming experience—watch this video to learn how to fix them in minutes!

Lawton Barnes

Lawton Barnes

Lawton Barnes owns 14 video poker and slot machines in various states of disrepair. He desperately needs to get a haircut and a real job.

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