Before removing the processor board, check the following areas:

  • If the machine is operating correctly, verify the operation of the hopper in the outputs test
  • Turn power off
  • Remove the processor board
  • Turn power on
  • If hopper stops, replace the processor board
  • If hopper continues to run without the processor board, replace SSR

If that doesn’t work, try the following steps:

  • Replace the processor board with a “known good” one
  • If the processor board seems bad, check eBay for replacement or repair service
  • If the processor board is good, then replace the motherboard
  • To repair the motherboard, use this diagram to isolate the bad trace
Manuals and Documentation

Manuals and Documentation

The Player's Edge-Plus family of field service manuals contain information required to configure, troubleshoot and repair a Player's Edge-Plus machine.

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