ACAlternating Current An electric current that reverses its direction at regularly recurring intervals.
access pathThe procedure used by a database management system to access data stored in a database.
access timeThe time a computer takes to locate and transfer data to or from storage. Composed of seek time and transfer rate.
Account Control Executive (ACE)This software consists of the processes and databases used to define and maintain configuration details, accounting information and reporting.
Accounting Analysis System (AAS)The computer software system used to provide a database of information. The AAS uses various menu options to create and print reports.
accounting optionThe software option that displays statistics accumulated in game play, such as the number of coins-in or the number of credits won.
Action(1) The rate of play, typically measured in dollars wagered per hour, or (2) The total of all wagers during a playing session, a trip, or a lifetime.
actionThe amount of money wagered in a video poker machine during a session, a day, or a trip. This is one factor used to determine comps and cash back by some casinos.
address1) The unique number assigned to each component of a larger system. 2) In data transmission, a code for a specific terminal.
ADSAccounting Data System
ADSC Accounting Data System CommunicatorUsed with the IGT Wide Area Progressive Security And Accounting System to receive and transmit data between the ADS and CCOM.
Advantage(1) Your expected average per-play gain, expressed as a percentage of your bet, or (2) The difference between the probability of a win and the probability of a loss divided by the sum of those two probabilities. In most casino games, your "advantage" is negative because the house has the edge.
advantage playersVideo poker players who look for the best expected returns available and rely on mathematically sound strategies rather than luck to guide their play.
aging periodA time period during which information (usually video lottery ticket information) is held in a readily accessible database for verification purposes.
algorithmA step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing a task.
alternating progressiveA progressive system in which there are two meters each associated with the top award on the gaming machine(s). One meter is set to a higher base amount than the other. During play on the machine(s), the meters both progress at the same rate and an arrow, or other indicator, flashes back and forth between the two meters. When the jackpot is ultimately hit, the player wins whichever amount the arrow is pointing at.
analogVarying smoothly and continuously over a range, rather than changing in discrete jumps. For example, a 12-hour clock face is an analog device that shows the time of day by continuously changing the position of the clock's hands.
anteIn table poker, a forced bet put in the pot before the cards are dealt.
archive1) To copy programs and data onto an auxiliary storage medium, such as a disk or a tape, for long-term retention. 2) To store data for anticipated normal long term use. 3) A procedure for transferring image information from an online optical storage medium to an offline medium.
asynchronousNot synchronized by a mutual timing signal or clock.
asynchronous transmissionA method of data transmission in which the receiving and sending devices don't share a common timer, and no timing data is transmitted. Each information character is individually synchronized, usually by the start and stop of bits. The time interval between characters isn't necessarily fixed.
attendantThe person who has access to accounting, diagnostics and other attendant functions by turning the attendant key switch on the machine.
attendant menuThe menu entered by turning the attendant key switch that allows access to accounting, diagnostics and other attendant functions. This menu appears on the screen and shows what options are available.
attract modeVisual and/ or music options intended to attract players when the machine is in the idle mode.
Attractiveness IndexA relative measure of the general attractiveness of a game, particularly good for recreational players to compare situations between casinos.
auto holdVirtual cards on the screen of a video poker machine that are automatically held by the machine. This can occur to save a winning hand, to instruct the player, or because the machine is a video lottery terminal.
autobetAn option that enables a player to wager the same number of credits as the previous game simply by pressing the Deal-Spin-Start switch.
autocycleThe machine automatically cycles through each test without operator or attendant intervention.
autoholdAn option that, when selected in the self test mode, automatically holds suggested winning combinations of cards and displays a HELD message above the cards in a game.
award insertA separate piece of glass or film used when the exterior glass panel has an opening for an award insert, such as "4000 coins."
background colorThe screen color surrounding the game elements and the game-related information.
backup1) A term pertaining to procedures or standby equipment available for use in the event of failure or overloading of the normally used procedures or equipment. 2) To make a copy of a program or data in case the original is lost, damaged or otherwise inaccessible.
BankrollThe total amount of money that a player has available for gambling. A Trip Bankroll is the amount of money that a recreational player takes along for gambling for a short visit to Las Vegas or some other such venue.
bankrollThe amount of money allotted for gambling by a player.
bannerA setup or downloadable message which is scrolled across the main menu screen to attract or inform a player.
bar machinesA collective term referring to slant-top and flat-top machines, as opposed to upright machines.
base amountThe starting amount for a progressive jackpot which is also the amount that is displayed after the progressive is hit.
battery backupAuxiliary power provided to a computer so that volatile information is not lost during a power failure.
battery RAMA battery that preserves the clock settings and the RAM contents when the power is off.
baud1) A unit of data transmission speed. 2) The maximum speed at which data can be sent down a channel, such as a telephone line.
belly glassThe lower glass on the door of some machines that shows the denomination, pay table or game theme.
Bet DownA screen button that, when touched, decrements the number of credits wagered toward a game and returns them to the credit meter. H the button remains touched, the bet will continue to decrement at a determined rate until the bet reaches one.
Bet Down buttonThe button on the pay table page of the video poker machine that highlights the payout column results as you decrease your bet.
Bet Max (Bet Five, etc.)A player panel switch or screen button that wagers either the maximum number of credits the machine will accept or, if insufficient credits exist, all remaining credits.
Bet Max buttonThe button on a video poker machine that allows you to bet the maximum coins for that game-usually, five coins. This is sometimes labeled Play Max Credits or Play 5 Credits.
Bet OneA player panel switch or screen button that wagers one credit each time it is pressed.
Bet One Credit buttonThe button on a video poker machine that allows you to bet one coin at a time.
Bet or WagerThe amount of money placed in action for one play. In some games, it may be increased after the initial bet, such as a raise in poker or a double-down in blackjack. On most slot and video machines it is a fixed multiple of the Denomination (e.g., $1.25 on a five-coin quarter machine).
Bet UpA screen button that, when touched, increments the number of credits wagered toward a game and decrements them from the credit meter. H the button remains touched, the bet will continue to increment at a determined rate until the bet reaches maximum coins-in or the credit meter reaches zero.
Bet Up buttonThe button on the pay table page of the video poker machine that highlights the payout column results as you increase your bet.
bill acceptorThe assembly on a video poker machine that accepts valid paper currency or cash tickets, and issues credit in return.
bill acceptor pay modeThe available options are credit only (pays only in the form of credits), player initiated (pays either credits or cash depending on the player initiated selection) and noncredit.
bill acceptor (same as bill validator)Optional assembly that accepts valid paper bills and causes the host machine to either dispense change or issue credits.
bill validator doorThe door which prevents access to the bills accumulated by the bill validator.
bill validator (same as bill acceptor)Optional assembly that accepts valid paper bills and causes the host machine to either dispense change or issue credits.
binaryCharacterized by having two different components or by having only two alternatives or values available.
binary system1) A number system that uses only O and 1 as digits. 2) The representation of numbers in the base-2 system, using only the two digits O and 1. A single binary digit - a O or a 1 - is called a bit.
bitA contraction of binary digit. The smallest unit of information that a computer can hold. The value of a bit is either 1 or 0.
bit rateThe speed at which bits are transmitted, usually expressed as bits per second or bps.
BITBLITZIGT propriety designed video controller on the processor board which provides unmatched speed, resolution and animation capabilities.
bonusExtra money paid for a specific hand.
bonus payExpanded pay for top awards won with maximum coins bet, greater than a linear multiple of the wager. H the top award multiplier (number of coins _paid per coin bet) is 300 for one to four coins bet, it might be 900 for five (max) coin bet. See multiplier pay.
boot (same as power up)To start up a computer.
bounceback cashExtra money given to players as an incentive to play at that casino.
bps (bits per second) (same as bit rate)The speed at which bits are transmitted, usually expressed as bits per second or bps.
browseAn option in various menus that allows the user to view data in a file without changing the information.
buffer1) An area of memory set aside for the Specific purpose of holding data until it is needed. 2) A 'holding area" of the computer's memory where information can be stored by one program or device and then read at a different rate by another.
buffered creditsAny credit other than promotional or won credits.
bus1) A path along which information is transmitted electronically within a computer. 2) An electrical or electronic connection between devices.
bus specificationThe specification describing the physical characteristics of the bus and the protocol that governs the use of the bus.
buy-a-payA type of game in which the player buys" various paying combinations by playing more coins. Usually, buy-a-pay games will pay their top award only if the maximum coins have been played.
byteA unit of information consisting of a fixed number of bits.
cabinetThe exterior, laminated wood shell" that surrounds the metal enclosure on some machines.
cageA secure area in a casino used to handle and store large amounts of money.
call attendantA message displayed on the screen of a video poker machine indicating that assistance is needed from a casino staff member.
cancel1) A keyboard operation that deletes the line currently being typed. 2) To end a task before it is completed.
candleA cylindrical light found on top of a video poker machine indicating that a jackpot was hit or that service is needed.
CAP Color Attribute PROMContains color definitions used to build images on the screen during each phase of a video game. A complete set of video game chips includes a CAP, a set of CGs, and a game program EPROM.
card1) A printed-circuit board that plugs into one of the computer's expansion slots, allowing the computer to use one or more peripheral devices such as disk drives. 2) A printed-circuit board or card connected to the bus in parallel with other cards.
card box (Player Tracking or PT unit)The card box (PT unit) has a card reader that scans a member's card and sends the card ID number to the system so the records can be accessed. It also has a display unit to greet the member, show points, etc.
card cageA sealed box in the machine that houses the programmed information for the game type being played. It requires a key to access it. This is also called the lower module.
card readerThis is basically a player tracking input function although LEDs (ERR and OK) are available as outputs for a reader without a display. There are currently two different types of cards and card readers: 1) The Hollerith type that uses a card with punched holes for encoding and a reader utilizing LEDs and phototransistors to read it. 2) The mag stripe that uses a card with up to three magnetically encoded tracks and a reader equipped with a magnetic head to read card data.
card reader slotThe slot on a video poker machine that allows you to insert a slot club card.
carouselA collection of machines with a common jack. pot linked together via fiber-optic cables in one specific area or location.
cash backMoney given to a player by a casino as an incentive to play at that casino.
cash outA switch that converts machine credits to cash or payable vouchers. The Cash Out switch on the player panel activates this machine function.
Cash Out buttonThe button on a video poker machine that allows you to collect cash or a cash ticket for any credits remaining in the machine after play.
cash slipA printed ticket from a video lottery terminal (VLT) that is redeemed for cash in lieu of direct payment as with a gaming machine.
cash ticketSee ticket voucher.
cashable creditsCredits a player earns by depositing currency into a gaming machine.
CashierThe casino employee who converts coins and chips into currency and conducts other financial transactions.
casino advantage gameA game with an expected return of less than 100%, which therefore favors the casino rather than the player. This is also called a negative game.
casino host or hostessThe casino staff member assigned to assist frequent players. This person can offer "discretionary comps"-comps that are not deducted from the player's comp account.
cathode ray tube (CRT)An electronic tube with a screen, such as a television picture tube, upon which information can be displayed.
CC Cluster Controller1) A down-line processor that collects data from a number of machines, then transmits concentrated data over a single communications channel. 2) A communication device that stores, validates and forwards accounting and security data to the central system. The most common cluster controllers are CVI's, LCTs, and LCOMs. 3) An intelligent communications device at a remote site that is responsible for polling the machines.
CCITIConsultative Committee on International Telegraphy and Telephony An international committee that sets standards and make recommendations for international communication.
CCOM Casino CommunicatorUsed with all Wide Area Progressive Systems, such as Megabucks® or Quarter mania® systems.
central computerThe central processor located at a central site.
central computer system (CCS)In linked games, monitors game machine operation and collects accounting and security information.
central processing unit (CPU)The “brain" of the computer; the microprocessor that performs the actual computations in machine language.
central siteThe physical place where the central system is located.
central systemThe hardware at the central site, along with the software used to operate and control the retail sites.
CFE Communications Front-End1) A processor on the net work that is between the Real Time System's processor and the cluster controllers at the remote site. The CFE is responsible for communicating with and polling the cluster controllers. When it is polled by the real time system, it responds with the data gathered from the CCs. 2) A computer system that controls the transfer of data from the cluster controller to the central system.
CG Character Generator chip.A character generator chip located on a processor board that generates images on video monitors.
Change buttonSee Change/Call Attendant button.
Change/Call Attendant buttonThe button on a video poker machine that lets the casino staff know that the player needs service. In newer machines, this is a red button labeled Change.
characterAny symbol that has a widely understood meaning and thus can convey information. Some characters include letters, numbers and punctuation.
checksumThe result of an arithmetic operation on the number of bits in a sequence, used to verify the integrity of game data in the EPROM.
circuit boardA board containing embedded circuits and an attached collection of integrated circuits (chips).
circuitryA network of wires, chips and resistors and other electronic devices and connections.
CISC Complex Instruction Set ComputerA type of central processing unit found in the majority of personal computers. It requires several clock pulses to complete one instruction.
clerk validation terminal (CVT)A cluster controller that has a keyboard and the ability to print sales reports. The cluster controller stores the data collected from the machines located at a particular location. Used by a cashier to validate printed cash-out tickets (for lottery games) prior to cash redemption.
clock1) A timing device that generates the basic periodic signal used to control the timing of all operations in a computer. 2) A device that records the progress of real time, or some approximate of it, and whose contents are available to a computer program.
clock chipA special chip in which parameter RAM and the current setting for the date and time are stored. This chip is powered by a battery when the system is off, thus preserving the information.
clock speedThe rate at which a microprocessor executes instructions.
club cardSee slot club card.
cluster controller (CC)1) A down-line processor that collects data from a number of machines, then transmits concentrated data over a single communications channel. 2) A communication device that stores, validates and forwards accounting and security data to the central system. The most common cluster controllers are CVTs, LCTs, and LCOMs. 3) An intelligent communications device at the remote site that is responsible for polling the machines.
CMOS memoryComplementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor memory Battery-powered memory, used to store backup RAM data for most IGT games. This is the primary permanent memory storage, and is located in the card cage or the lower module.
coaxial cableA special type of communications cable that permits transmission of data at high speed. Usually employed by local networks.
coin comparitorAn electronic coin acceptor mechanism that receives and validates coins deposited in the machine. A coin comparitor uses a sample coin against which incoming coins are compared for validity.
coin drop boxThe container in the bottom of the cabinet that catches and holds coins from the coin-in assembly. In bill acceptors, the lower compartment where bills are deposited.
coin drop-box sensor switchThis switch monitors the number of times the drop (cash) door is opened.
Coin-inThe total amount of money bet by a player in a video poker machine during a session, a day, or a trip.
coin-in Coins wagered.The coin-in assembly receives, verifies, counts and appropriately routes coins deposited in the machine. The coin-in meters (mechanical and software) accumulate total coin-in numbers.
coin-outCoins or credits won and paid, or credits won and wagered. The coin-out meters (mechanical and software) accumulate total coin-out numbers.
coin slotThe opening found in older video poker machines in which coins can be inserted for play.
coin trayMetal tray on a machine where coins are paid out or returned.
cold machineA video poker machine that isn't paying well.
cold streakA run of losing hands.
collective remote candleSeveral machines connected to one candle.
commercial casinoA casino that is operated in a state-regulated jurisdiction, and therefore must use video poker machines that deal random card sequences, follow state mandates regarding minimum and maximum expected returns, and pay a state gaming tax. Usually used to refer to a land-based commercial casino rather than a riverboat casino.
communication1) The flow of information from one point (the source) to another (the receiver). 2) The act of transmitting or making known. 3) The process in which information is exchanged between individuals through the use of a commonly accepted set of symbols.
communication modeAn operating state in which a serial card or port is prepared to exchange data and signals with a modem or other type of data communication equipment (DCE).
communication systemAny one of several system configurations linking machines and a control device (LCOM, CVT or modem) via fiber-optic cables to a central computer for the purpose of gathering accounting data.
communications channelThe physical means of connecting one location or device to another for the purpose of transmitting and receiving data. Coaxial cables, fiber optics, microwave signals, telephone lines and satellite communications all serve as communication channels.
communications front-end (CFE)1) A processor on the network that is between the Real T1me System's processor and the cluster controllers at the remote site. The CFE is responsible for communicating with and polling the cluster controllers. When it is polled by the real time system it responds with the data gathered from the CCS. 2) A computer system that controls the transfer of data from the cluster controller to the central system.
communications protocolA set of communication rules that provides for error checking between devices and ensures that transmitted data are not lost.
compShort for "complimentary," a reward provided by a casino as an incentive to play at that casino. Comps can include free meals, hotel room, show tickets, merchandise, and other incentives. See also marketing comp.
comp cardSee slot club card.
comp statusSee rating.
CON Fiber ConverterAn electronic device that converts fiber-optic light signals to electrical signals for 4-wire transmission.
CON Plastic fiber universal ConverterA SMART System accessory that converts fiber-optic light signals from the DCUs to RS-232 computer readable code for the FEC. It also converts signals the other way (RS-232 to light).
configuration1) A general-purpose computer term that can refer to the way a computer is set up. 2) The total combination of hardware components that make up a computer system. 3) The software settings that allow various hardware components of a computer system to communicate with one another.
configureTo change software or hardware actions by changing settings.
consecutive cardsA sequence of cards with no gaps or spaces between them.
contributionThe percentage of total play into a machine that is applied to the progressive jackpots and reserve funds. The number is divided by all locations on line based on the amount of play per each game at that location.
control characterA non-printing character that controls or modifies the way information is printed or displayed.
controlling central agencyThe entity that has full responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the gaming system.
coprocessorAn auxiliary processor that is designed to relieve the demand on the main processor by performing a few specific tasks.
CPU Central Processing UnitThe major component of a computer system with the circuitry to control the interpretation and execution of instructions.
CRCCyclic Redundancy Check Signals, sent between microprocessor devices, to verify the identity of each device in order to prevent tampering or incorrect data being sent.
creditOne credit is equal to the denomination of the game being played. Games are played using credits for ease of displaying the amount bet and won.
credit limitThe maximum number of credits the machine will accumulate before causing either a hopper pay, hand-pay or cash-out ticket situation.
credit playAllows all awards, except the top award and hand pays, to accumulate on the Credits display rather than dispensing from the hopper. Some game versions allow player-selected credit or noncredit play.
creditsThe record of coins remaining in a video poker machine as the result of play. Credits can be cashed in for money.
credits cancelledCredits hand-paid (but not won), that are cashed out of the credit meter. These credits could come from either a coin-in or a bill acceptor.
credits collectedThe sum of credits won and credits cancelled that are paid out during cash out.
CRT Cathode-Ray TubeAn electronic tube with a screen, such as a television picture tube, upon which information can be displayed.
cruise ship casinoA casino found on a commercial cruise ship. Because they float in international waters, these casinos do not have to follow state mandates, but are supposed to follow the guidelines set by the International Council of Cruise Lines.
Currency Transaction Report (CTR)A report that must be filed by a casino when a player wins $10,000 or more.
current contribution amountThe value of the prize contribution at the current point of time.
cursor1) The moving, sliding, or blinking symbol on a CRT screen that indicates where the next character will appear. 2) A symbol displayed on the video monitor in the self test mode indicating where the user's next action will take effect.
CVT Clerk Validation TerminalA cluster controller that has a keyboard and the ability to print sales reports. The cluster controller stores the data collected from the machines located at a particular location. Used by a cashier to validate printed cash-out tickets (for lottery games) prior to cash redemption.
CycleThe average number of hands per Royal Flush (or other top jackpot). ' Remember, however, that the games are random, so don't expect to get exactly one Royal Flush per "cycle," and don't get the idea that a machine is "due to hit" just because the number of hands defined as a cycle have been played on it without hitting a Royal. Actually, the cycle is calculated as one divided by the probability of a Royal Flush on each play. In the long run, if you play a ' number of hands equal to n cycles you may "expect" n Royal Flushes, but the Poisson Distribution reveals your real probabilities.
DACOM Dutch Asynchronous Communication SystemA data collection system used only in Holland.
daisy chainA colloquial term for a group of devices connected to a host device, where the first device in the "chain" is connected to the host, the second device is connected to the first and the third device is connected to the second, and so on. To link together sequentially.
data bitsIn the stream of bits being sent from a computer to a peripheral device or another computer, the bits that contain meaningful information.
data busThe path along which general information is transmitted within the computer.
data byteThe basic unit of data the computer sends to the printer.
data communications1) The movement of encoded information by means of electrical transmission systems. 2) The entire process and science of enabling digital devices, such as computers, to communicate with each other.
data encryptionA coding technique used to secure sensitive data by mixing or jumbling the data according to a predetermined format.
databaseA collection of information organized in a form that can be readily manipulated and sorted by a computer user.
database management systemA software system for organizing, storing, retrieving, analyzing and modifying information in a database.
day metersThe data resulting from the last daily poll of the machines. They provide the data on the number of games played and won, dollars played and won, and other critical information.
DC Direct CurrentAn electric current flowing in one direction.
DCS Data Communication SystemOne of several optional communication systems whereby the machine sends selected data to an external accounting device.
DCU Data Collection UnitA device capable of collecting and storing information (real-time data) from up to 32 card boxes. It also receives data and messages from the FEC for transfer to the card boxes.
Deal/Draw buttonThe button on a video poker machine that triggers play, causing the initial hand of cards to be shown on the video display screen.
decimal numberA numeral, usually of more than one digit, representing a sum in which the quantity represented by each digit is based on a radix of 10. The digits used are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
decimal systemThe commonly used form of number representation, in which numbers are expressed in the base-10 system, using the ten digits 0 through 9.
DecisionOne or more events, starting with placing a bet and ending with the actual loss of that bet or a payoff. In video poker, it's the deal through the draw and any payoff.
dedicated machineA video poker machine that offers only one game.
defaultA value, action, or setting that a computer system assumes, unless the user gives an explicit instruction to the contrary.
degaussTo correct video display discoloration by neutralizing the magnetic field of a video monitor using a special degaussing tool.
delete1) To remove or eliminate, as to erase data from a field or to eliminate a record from a file. 2) A method of erasing data.
denominationThe value of each "coin" played in a particular video poker game-a penny, nickel, quarter, dollar, etc.
DenominationThe coin size of a slot or video machine; e.g., 1¢, 5¢, 25¢, $1, $5, etc.
diagnosticsThe mode in which the machine can be tested for module replacement. Tests for 1/ 0 (input/ output), peripherals, display devices, and other hardware may be included.
dialog boxA window that appears over the main screen to provide information to the user or to request information from the user. The dialog box normally requires a response or acknowledgment from the user.
digitalRepresented in a discrete (noncontinuous) form, such as numerical digits or integers.
digital-to-analog converter (DAC)A device that converts quantities from digital to analog form.
DIP switchDual In-line Package switch A small switch that can be manually set for one of two different values (usually on or off). DIP switches are used on PC boards for setting up various machine configurations.
discardA card in a dealt hand that the player chooses to replace in an effort to improve his hand.
discretionary compA free meal, gift, room, show ticket, or other incentive provided by a casino that doesn't reduce the player's comp account.
diskA flat, circular, magnetic surface, serving as a medium for storing information.
disk operating system (DOS)An operating system whose principal function is to manage files and communication with one or more drives.
displayA general term to describe what is seen on the screen of the display device of a computer.
display boardThis is the player tracking output accessory to the SMIB logic board. It contains an encased vacuum fluorescent display, the driver and negative power supply for the display, a VIP light, a display control chip and a connection to the logic board.
diverterThe portion of the coin-in assembly that channels coins to either the hopper or the drop box.
Double Down buttonThe button on a video poker machine touch screen that allows you to play for double or nothing when you have a winning hand.
double upAn extended game play available to the player to double his current winnings.
downgradeThe changing of a pay table of a video poker machine from one with a higher expected return to one with a lower expected return.
dropCoins or bills in the drop box.
drop boxThe container in the bottom of the cabinet that catches and holds coins when the hopper is full. In bill acceptors, the lower compartment where bills are deposited.
drop doorThe door normally on the bottom of the machine or in the stand which prevents access to the coin drop.
drop-door sensor switchMonitors the number of times the drop (cash) door is opened.
drop hold percentageAlso referred to as coin room percentage. Expression used in some casinos to express what percentage of the total drop of a gaming machine is money actually won. Calculated as follows: Total Drop - (Fills + Jackpots) / Total Drop
drop-in bar (DIB)A physical package format where the machine is set into a horizontal bar countertop or contained in a self-contained cabinet.
dual-monitor moduleOptional video monitor assembly made to attach to and work with a video machine.
DUART/UARTDual Universal Asynchronous Receiver/ Transmitter and Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter A communication IC that can interface between a microprocessor and a serial channel.
E-SquaredSee EEPROM,
edgeA competitive advantage, usually expressed as a percentage.
EEPROMElectrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory Many IGT machines utilize an EEPROM chip on the motherboard to store backup game data.
EGM Electronic Gaming Machine (same as VGD)A physical machine that collects and dispenses credits, and houses the games.
electronic funds transfer (EFT)A cashless method of paying for goods or services. Electronic signals between computers are used to adjust the accounts of the parties involved in a transaction. Commonly used to make periodic payments, such as insurance premiums.
enableTo activate, usually with a software command.
enclosureThe metal body that houses internal machine components. The enclosure is often installed in a cabinet.
encryptionThe password used to encrypt a message in communications.
End of Day (EOD)See End of Period.
End of Period (EOP)A period of time after which game play, coin-in, coin-out and other gaming performance parameters are verified to provide operational control and management information.
enhanced cashless transfer (ECT)The electronic transfer of game credits from a system computer to a gaming machine.
enrollmentThe process of qualifying a component for participation in a network.
Enter keyA key that confirms an entry or sometimes a command.
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read-Only MemoryA non-volatile medium for program instructions. Game programs and video graphics are stored on EPROMs.
ERSee expected return.
errorA data processing problem. The machine enters the tilt mode, an error message displays and game play is suspended until the problem is corrected.
escalatorIn slant-top and flat-top machines, the part of the hopper that carries coins up to the coin tray.
ESD Electrostatic DischargeThe discharge of electrical energy that occurs when a charged body comes into close proximity to an object of lesser or opposite charge.
EthernetA high-speed local area network that consists of a cable technology and a series of communication protocols. It is a registered trademark of the Xerox Corporation.
Ethernet cable systemsA system of high-performance coaxial cables widely used in the communications industry.
Euro creditA coin-in/ credit system used in some gaming machines that allows the player to insert coins over and above the maximum number that is playable on a per game basis. There is an operator-delectable maximum credit limit on the Euro credit machines and players can insert coins at their discretion until this limit is reached. Euro credit machines are most popular in casinos outside the US.
Euro noncreditA credit mode where once the maximum bet is reached, all inserted coins are accumulated as credits in the credits meter up to the credit limit. Any single win greater than the hopper limit is hand paid. All other wins are paid from the hopper to the coin tray. The credit limit is set in self test.
EVSee expected value.
even moneyA payoff that is equal to the amount wagered.
EventA single action such as one throw of the dice in craps, the deal of a hand in video poker, or the draw after selecting the cards to hold. In most games it takes more than one event to reach a decision.
event logAllows an operator or attendant to view metered events recorded by the machine.
exception logA paper record of all reported abnormal events generated on a Wide Area Progressive System.
exception messageA message that is printed on the exception printer for any abnormal conditions that cause status to alter from normal.
EXOPLANETA multi-drop serial communication link between the machine and all installed peripheral devices used to transfer information and allow control of peripherals.
expanded pay table glassThe lower glass on a machine that shows an extension of the upper glass pay table.
expanded reelThe term used to describe an electronic slot machine in which the number of reel stops in the computer program is greater than the number of stops on the actual reels of the slot machine.
Expected ReturnThe expected value of a game as a whole. Abbreviated "ER." You might think of it as the expected value of the next play before the cards are dealt. The calculations usually assume perfect play, but it is more useful if calculated for the way that you play the game, including any slot club benefits and promotion values. Informally called Payback, but more correctly it should be called Rated Payback or Game EV.
expected return (ER)The theoretical return a player can expect from a specific video poker game if he plays it correctly for a long period of time. Expressed as a percentage, this is also referred to as a payback percentage.
Expected ValueThe average payback of a particular play. Abbreviated "EV;'' it is the weighted average result of all possible outcomes of a play. A value of exactly 1 means that, in the long run, you can expect to break even on this play. A value exceeding 1 means that you can expect to be a winner in the long run, and a value less than 1 means an expected loss. EV can not be less than zero, and it rarely exceeds one by more than a very small margin. In video poker texts, EV is generally applied only to the play of a hand after the cards are dealt.
expected value (EV)The amount of money a player should be ahead after playing a positive (player advantage) game for a specific amount of time. This figure is based on both the game's expected return and the amount being wagered.
eye in the skyCommon term for a casino's camera surveillance system, which is located in the ceiling and records activity on the casino floor.
face cardA Jack, Queen, or King. This is also called a picture card.
FEE Front-End ControllerA dedicated computer that polls machine data from the Dc Us for transfer to the Transaction Processor (PT). It also sends information from the PT back through the Dc Us to the card boxes. All messages and data, whether received or sent by the FEE, must be in RS-232 computer readable code.
fiber-optic cableA transmission medium that carries pulses of light over strands of glass. Fiber optics can carry hundreds of millions of bits per second over thousands of miles. Since the glass fibers are carrying light, they do not receive outside interference and do not lose appreciable strength. Fiber-optic transmission reduces errors in transmission. A fiber-optic cable contains two glass strands. Each strand or fiber is covered in a sheath made of plastic.
fiber-optic interface boardAny one of several optional PC boards that convert electronic digital data to light for fiber-optic transmission.
fiber opticsThe transmission of information with light energy as the transmission carrier and plastic or glass as the medium.
Fiber"T"A device for branching fiber-optic communication runs or amplifying a fiber run that exceeds 80 feet.
fieldA single piece of information, the smallest unit normally manipulated by a database management system. A record is made up of one or more fields.
field service manual (FEM)An IGT service publication covering machine hardware, including: installation, maintenance, troubleshooting, disassembly and assembly, parts lists, wiring diagrams and schematics.
field service supplementAn IGT service publication that describes hardware and software specific to a certain machine or jurisdiction.
fileAny named ordered collection of information stored on a disk.
filenameThe name that identifies a file.
fillCoins that are added to the hopper of a gaming machine that has become empty as a result of player wins.
firmwarePrograms stored permanently in read-only memory (ROM).
five and five dealingA method of dealing-used by video poker machines made after 1996-in which the machine chooses only the five cards of the initial hand at the draw. The machine then resumes continuous shuffling until the player pushes the Deal / Draw button.
Five of a KindFive cards of the same value or rank, achieved by using one or more wild cards.
FLASHAlso referred to as programmable and erasable read only memory which is a device that allows data to be re-written.
flat-topA type of machine with a flat top, designed for installation in a bar cabinet. The game is viewed from above the machine while the player is typically seated.
fleaA term used by casino management to describe the low roller advantage player, who is considered annoying but no threat to the bottom line.
floppy diskA disk made of flexible plastic, as opposed to a hard disk made of metal.
FlushFive cards of the same suit, not in consecutive order.
foldIn table poker, the act of exiting the game and forfeiting all money so far placed in the pot.
Format1) The form in which information is organized or presented. 2) The general shape and appearance of a printer's output. 3) To divide a disk into tracks and sectors where information can be stored.
Four FlushFour cards of the same suit that need an additional card of that suit to make a Flush.
Four of a KindFour cards of the same value or rank.
Four-of-a-KindAny four cards of the same value (all four cards of the four different suits) such as the 8 of hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs.
Four StraightFour cards that require an additional card to make a Straight.
frequencyThe number of complete cycles transmitted per second, usually expressed in hertz.
full-duplex communicationA method of data transmission where two devices transmit data simultaneously. This method allows the receiving device to echo back each character of your message as it is received.
Full HouseThree cards of the same value or rank plus two cards of another value or rank.
Full PayUsually the best payoff schedule offered for a particular game. There are exceptions, however, such as a 4700-coin Royal, a bonus for a sequential Royal, and the increased payoff for a full house on a 10/6 Double Double Bonus game. Most strategies are developed initially for the full pay game; sometimes that same strategy is accurate for an enhanced or short-pay version, but in other cases it must be modified to compensate for the variations.
full-pay gameThe version of a specific game that will give you the best possible return on your bet.
function keysSpecially designed keys that, when pressed, initiate a function on a computer keyboard, word processor or graphics terminal.
funding entityThe entity that accounts for and finances a prize amount.
gaffedRigged or fixed. This term is used to describe a video poker machine that has been tampered with.
GamblingThe act of risking something of value on a future event of uncertain outcome.
gambling junketA package set up for groups of gamblers who are considered special guests of the hotel. Junkets for high rollers can include free chartered jet service, limousines, hotel room, food, and beverages.
gameA program designed to offer a player chances to win prizes by betting some unit of credit of the correct denomination. There can be several games in one machine.
game closed modeIn linked games, describes suspension of normal game play by the central computer system.
game codeThe second half of the model code; it refers to which game type is represented by glass or software (i.e., Joker Poker= XX:65.)
game play modeThe operational mode that exists when the machine is functioning properly and a customer is playing a game.
game speedThe pace at which a game is played. This may be set by a player or an operator in the setup mode.
GamingA euphemism to make gambling more politically acceptable.
gapA space in a sequence of cards that must be filled in order to make a consecutive sequence.
ghostA stop on a slot reel which does not contain a slot symbol.
gigabyte (GB)A unit of measurement equal to 1024 megabytes.
groupA set of progressive prizes with a reserve fund. The prizes all have the same base denomination and funding entity.
gut-shotSlang term for a card that is needed to complete an Inside Four-Straight.
half-duplex communicationA way of communicating between your computer and another computer or a peripheral device in which you can only send data or receive, not both at one time.
HandIn video poker games, one set of five cards. A standard poker game consists of an original hand, and after the player keeps or rejects cards, a final hand. Wins or losses are based on the final hand.
hand-paid jackpotA video poker jackpot so large that it is delivered to the player by a casino employee.
hand payMoney award paid by an attendant rather than being dispensed by the machine.
handheld terminal (same as wand or scanner)A portable device used to read machine data and then download the information to a computer.
handleThe amount of money put through a video poker machine. Casino executives use this information to make pay table decisions.
handle pullsThe total number of pulls of the machine handle. Also known as "games played."
hard countThe counting of money generated by gaming operations in the form of coins.
hard dropThe controlled process of removing coins from gaming machines.
hard metersAn internal accounting system that is displayed on mechanical meters on all video and reel gaming machines. These meters are not resettable, i.e. they are at "zero" when the machine is built, and they continue to count the cumulative number of coins in, out, etc. throughout the life of the machine.
Help buttonThe button on a video poker machine touch screen that prompts the machine to display the rules of a particular game.
hertz (Hz)An expression used to describe the frequency of the power line voltage supplied to the gaming machine, e.g. 50 Hertz, 60 Hertz.
hexadecimal systemThe representation of numbers in the base-16 system using the ten digits, 0 through 9, and the six letters, A through F.
high cardsIn most games, the Ace, King, Queen, and Jack. In some games, though, the high cards also include Nine and Ten.
high pairA paying pair for a particular game.
high rollerA gambler who has a large bankroll and plays for large stakes.
hit frequencyA term used to describe the average frequency at which winning game outcomes will occur on a gaming machine. It is calculated by dividing the number of individual hits, or winning games, by the number of possible game outcome combinations.
HoldThe physical buttons on video poker machines that, when pressed, allow the player to keep cards in a poker game.
Hold/Cancel buttonThe button on a video poker machine that causes the machine to hold (keep) that card, rather than discard it.
hold percentageThe casino's theoretical take, which is important in determining comps and cash back
holeywheel hopperA type of hopper mechanism, initially developed for large, heavy coins, that uses a punched rotating wheel to collect coins from the hopper bowl, separate them from the other coins for transport to the eject area.
HonestAll details of the game are disclosed, including all probabilities, and the game operates strictly according to those rules and probabilities.
HopperAn assembly inside the machine that receives, holds and dispenses coins. When the hopper is full, coins are diverted to the drop box.
hopperThe receptacle inside older video poker machines in which coins are collected.
hopper probeA simple electromagnetically sensing element located in the coin hopper. When the coin mass in the hopper bowl reaches and touches the hopper probe, a signal is sent to the microcomputer indicating that the hopper is full. See diverter.
hostSee casino host or hostess
host computer1) A central processing unit that provides the computing power for the remote terminals and peripheral devices connected to it. 2) The computer that is in charge during a telecommunications or local area network session. 3) The central controlling computer in a network of computers.
host machineA machine used in conjunction with another assembly that cannot stand alone, such as a dual-monitor module or a bill acceptor.
hot machineA machine that is paying well
Hot or ColdA subjective observation of a winning or losing streak. There is no such thing as a hot or cold machine, table, dealer or player. Like luck, a streak is recognizable only in the past. There is no way to determine when a streak will begin or end.
hot streakA run of winning hands
houseA casino
hybridA term utilized by phone companies to define the unit in telephone rooms where a phone company circuit ends and the in-house wiring begins.
IBA Imbedded Bill AcceptorThe bill acceptor is considered imbedded whether it is in a cabinet or top box format. See bill acceptor.
icon1) A symbol that graphically represents an object, a concept, or a message. 2) A pictorial representation of a software function.
idle modeThe condition that exists when a game is not being played and no credits exist on the credit meter.
IndependentEach event is unaffected by history or by other players' actions. May or may not be random.
initialize1) To set to an initial state or value in preparation for some computation. 2) To prepare a blank disk to receive information by organizing its surface into tracks and sectors (format).
inputThe introduction of data from an external storage medium into a computer's internal storage unit.
input/output (I/O)The inputs and outputs of a machine. Typically, inputs are from switches, etc., and outputs are to lamps, etc.
input test
Press the self test button to bring up the input test screen on a Players Edge poker machine.
insertA separate piece of glass or film that contains information not printed on the exterior glass panel. This can be award amounts, a pay table, or other important information.
Inside Four-StraightA broken sequence of four cards that requires one card to make a Straight
Intel 8032 MicroprocessorThe microprocessor used in certain SMART System floor devices - SMIB, DCU, and SMART card reader.
Interface1) The point at which independent systems or device groups interact. The devices, rules or conventions by which one component of a system communicates with another. 2) The part of a program that defines constants, variables, and data structures, rather than procedures. 3) The equipment that accepts electrical signals form one part of a computer system and renders them into a form that can be used by another part. 4) Hardware or software that links the computer to a device. 5) To convert signals from one form to another and pass them between two pieces of equipment.
interface cardA card that handles the interface (or connection) between the computer and a particular peripheral device.
IPT imbedded player trackingEnables the owner/ operator to identify and gather information about playing patterns on individuals through the use of customer membership cards.
jackpotA large payout. See also progressive jackpot
jackpot reset switch (same as reset switch)A key-activated switch that: (a) enables option selections within some self test pages; (b) enters and advances through the statistical data mode; and (c) resets the machines internal progressive parameters (as applicable) after a jackpot.
Jacks-or-BetterAny pair of Jacks, Queens, Kings or Aces.
junketSee gambling junket
jurisdictionAn authority within which all gaming regulations are governed.
K (same as kilobyte)A unit of measurement consisting of 1024 bytes. K can also stand for the number 1024 in which case I
Kbyte (same as kilobyte)A unit of measurement consisting of 1024 bytes. k can also stand for the number 1024 in which case I
kickerIn certain video poker games, a particular card that is rewarded with extra money
kilobyte (K)A unit of measurement consisting of 1024 bytes. K can also stand for the number 1024 in which case I
kilohertz (kHz)A unit of measurement of frequency, equal to 1,000 hertz.
kioskA computer terminal located in a casino that allows players to conduct slot club business without waiting in line
LAN Local Area NetworkA group of computers connected for the purpose of sharing resources.
Law of AveragesA gambler's fallacy suggesting that if a game is ahead of or behind expectation then future outcomes will be biased the other way to bring the average more in line. Actually, this is superstitious nonsense. Instead, consider the Law of Large Numbers, a statistically sound concept discussed in the text.
LCT Local Communication TerminalA communication controller that collects data from machines and transmits it to a central computer.
LED Light Emitting DiodeAn alphanumeric display unit that glows when supplied with a specified voltage, commonly used in digital displays as status indicators.
light boxA plastic bracket containing fluorescent lights to illuminate the display glass.
light penA device used to make game selections directly on the screen in some video games, such as keno.
LimitsThe minimum and maximum bets allowed on a particular play. Generally not applicable to video poker.
line lightsThe payline lamps located adjacent to the pay lines in the reel glass of a multi-line slot machine. As coins are inserted, the lamps light in sequence, indicating the pay lines that are "activated."
line upA type of game that utilizes spinning slot reels or a video simulation of reels. A win occurs when reel symbols line up in a specified manner.
linkTwo or more machines that are connected to a progressive meter.
link/stand alone progressiveLink progressive applies when the machine is connected in series with a group of machines and also connected to a progressive controller. When correctly installed and active, the current progressive top awards are the same for all machines in that fink. Standalone progressive applies when the machine is not connected in any way to other machines. Internal progressive amounts must be set for each machine.
live systemA computer that runs the Wide Area Progressive games and displays the main system window.
local area network (LAN)A group of computers connected for the purpose of sharing resources.
Local Area Progressive (LAP)A group of prizes that are paid by a funding entity other then the controlling central agency.
lockoutA solenoid device for disallowing coin or token acceptance.
lockupThis situation occurs during some tilt and error conditions. Game play is suspended but self test and statistical data modes are operational.
log in (same as log on)To sign-in on a computer.
log off (same as log out)1) To stop using the computer. 2) The process of signing off the system.
log on (same as log in)To sign-in on a computer.
log out (same as log off)1) To stop using the computer. 2) The process of signing off the system.
logic doorAn electronics cage and lock which prevent access to the main processor board. See card cage.
long runA large number of hands that must be played in order for the actual results of a game to closely resemble that game's expected return.
lotteryA jurisdiction in which some form of gambling is allowed, but typically more restricted than gaming jurisdictions. A system usually connected to a central computer via a communication system.
loud bowlA large coin tray designed to resound loudly as coins are paid out.
low cardsIn most games, the number cards-Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, and Ten. In some games, though, Nine and Ten are considered high cards.
low pairA nonpaying pair for a particular game.
low rollerA gambler who has a small bankroll and plays for small stakes.
lower moduleA removable assembly within the machine. The chassis houses the power supply, motherboard, processor board, connector panels and various optional assemblies or PC boards.
LSAMS Lottery Security, Accounting, Management SystemIGT's lottery system, including the communication protocol from the CS (central computer) to the CC (Ouster Controller) and from the CC to the machine.
LuckLuck is only an observation of past events. It's reasonable to say, "I was lucky on our last trip to Las Vegas," but that can not be carried into the future ("I know I will be lucky this weekend") or as a generality ("Joe is always lucky").
machineA gaming machine. This term is also synonymous with EGM, gaming machine, VGD, VGM and VLT. Sometimes a lottery terminal.
machine address (same as 110lling address)A unique hexadecimal number resident on a processor board or communication board, and used by some accounting and communication systems for machine identification.
machine doorOn machines, the main access door typically contains the player switches and/ or other input devices, coin entry, key lock and various other assemblies.
main doorThe door on the front of the machine which prevents access to the printer, hopper, front panel switches and other operator accessible items.
main menuIn a video game or software program, an initial selection screen where the player or operator chooses which game to play or portion of the program to run.
marketing compAn offer of a free product, room, or other incentive that comes in the mail to the member of a slot club, and should not reduce the player's comp account.
master fileData stored in a computer system concerning relatively stable information such as machine serial numbers and denominations or personal data on club players for a player tracking system.
max bet (same as max coin)The maximum number of coins or credits the game will accept for a single play (usually six or less).
max coin (same as max bet)The maximum number of coins or credits the game will accept for a single play (usually six or less).
max hopper payThe determined amount of coins that the hopper will pay out before a hand pay is needed. Should correspond with the amount that appears on the glass insert.
max pay (same as max win)The highest award on the game pay table.
max win (same as max pay)The highest award on the game pay table.
megabyte (MB)A unit of measurement equal to 1024 kilobytes or 1,048,576 bytes.
megahertz (MHz)A measure of transmission frequency equal to one million hertz.
memoryA hardware component of a computer system that can store information for later retrieval.
memory locationA unit of main memory that is identified by an address and can hold a single item of information of a fixed size.
menu itemA choice in a menu, usually a command to the current application.
meters Counters.IGT machines utilize both mechanical and software meters to collect game play data. Hardware meters collect lifetime totals and cannot be reset. Software meters are displayed in the statistical data mode, and can be reset to zero.
microprocessorAn integrated circuit on the computer's main circuit board. The microprocessor carries out software instructions by directing the flow of electrical impulses through the computer.
MIDI Musical Instrument Digital InterfaceAn industry standard for music being produced digitally.
mixThe game types (poker, keno, reel slots, etc.) configurations (upright, slant-top, or flat top machines), and denominations on the casino floor. An empirical ratio adjusted continuously by slot management.
modeAn operational state of the machine. GIT machines typically nave five modes: game play, idle, statistical data, self test and tilt.
modem (acronym for modulator/demodulate)A device that provides communication capabilities between pieces of computer equipment over common telephone lines.
monitorA display device similar to a television screen used in video games to receive and display game and service information.
monitor maskA molded plastic frame that surrounds the outside edges of the video monitor (or monitors) and enhances the screen display by reducing glare and light reflections from inside the machine.
Montana-style creditA credit mode where all inserted coins are directed to the credits meter up to the credit limit. In order to place a bet toward the next game, the player must play a credit. A win that would cause the credits meter to exceed the credit limit is hopper paid. If this hopper pay amount is greater than the hopper limit, the amount is hand paid. All other wins are paid to the credits meter. The credit limit is set in self test. Anytime when coins are inserted, the player must play at least one game before they are allowed to cash out the accumulated credits.
More Games buttonThe button on a video poker machine touch screen that causes a menu of games to be displayed on the screen.
motherboardA PC board on the lower module that acts as an interface between the processor board and the electrical machine assemblies.
MS-DOSThe Microsoft Disk Operation System. An operating system that governs the IBM PC and compatible computers.
multi-coin gameAllows the player the opportunity to increase the amount awarded by increasing the amount wagered.
multi-game video poker machineA video poker machine that offers several different games.
multi-hand video poker machineA video poker machine that allows you to play from one to a hundred hands of the same game at the same time. This is also called a multi-play or multi-line machine.
multi-line gameAllows the player the opportunity to play multiple pay lines on reel slots by increasing the amount wagered.
multi-line video poker machineSee multi-hand video poker machine.
multi-play video poker machineSee multi-hand video poker machine.
multiple level progressivesProgressive amounts added to second, third, etc., pay levels and displayed. Limited only by machine program capability.
multiplexer (MP or MIX)A device that allows several communications lines to share one computer data channel.
multiplier payEach win amount is a linear multiple of the number of coins or credits bet. See bonus pay.
Native American Indian casinoA casino owned and run by a government-recognized Native American tribe that is considered a sovereign entity, and has made an individual pact with the government of the state in which it is located. This is also called a tribal casino.
natural handA winning hand that contains no wild cards.
negative gameSee casino advantage game.
network1) The result of two or more computers being connected to allow them to share the same software and information. 2) A system of interconnected computers and terminals.
network administrationManagement of software and hardware that connects computers in a network.
network administratorThe person responsible for setting up and maintaining a network.
Nevada-style creditA credit mode where coins may only be inserted up to the maximum bet amount. Any single win greater than the hopper limit is hand paid. All other wins are paid to the credits meter up to the maximum hopper setting.
Nevada-style noncreditA credit mode in an S-Plus international game where coins may only be inserted up to the maximum bet amount. Any single win greater than the hopper limit is hand paid. All other wins are paid from the hopper to the coin tray.
node1) Any terminal, computer, or peripheral in a computer network. 2) The connecting point on a component, printed circuit board, or logic element where electrical connections can be made.
noncasino retailerIn this book, a retail business such as a bar, restaurant, or convenience store that offers electronic gambling devices such as video poker and slots. Most of the video poker machines found in these venues are video lottery terminals. See video lottery terminal.
nonchargeable creditsCredits downloaded by a system computer. Nonchargeable credits can only be wagered by game play and cannot be cashed out, however, they can be added to a player's card.
noncredit modeThe machine will accept no more than the max bet allowed per game, and all wins are paid out in coins or by an attendant at the time of the win. If a bill acceptor is present, it functions as a changer only.
noncredit playThe machine will accept no more than the max bet allowed per game, and all wins are paid out in coins or by an attendant at the time of the win. If a bill acceptor is present, it functions as a changer only.
note acceptor pay modeThe available options are credit only (pays only in the form of credits), player initiated (pays either credits or cash depending on the player initiated selection) and noncredit.
note acceptor (same as note validator)Optional assembly that accepts valid paper notes and causes the host machine to either dispense change or issue credits.
note validator doorThe door which prevents access to the notes accumulated by the note validator.
note validator (same as note acceptor)Optional assembly that accepts valid paper notes and causes the host machine to either dispense change or issue credits.
nudgeThe reels in this slot game move up or down one symbol when a nudge symbol hits. Examples of a nudge game are Slam Dunk, Balloon Bars and Knock Down.
Odds and ProbabilityOdds and Probability are frequently misunderstood. Suppose you want to know the chances of rolling an eight with a pair of dice. There are five ways to make an eight out of 36 possible outcomes, so the odds of rolling an eight are 5 in 36. Conversely, the odds against an eight are 31-to-5. The probability of an eight is 5 + 36 = 0.1389.
offlineNot currently communicating with host system.
onlineCommunicating with host system.
online casinoA casino found only on the Internet. These casinos are all operated from outside the United States, and are unregulated by the United States Government.
Open-Ended Four StraightFour consecutive cards that need either one of two cards-one at either end of the sequence-to make a Straight.
operatorA machine operator, owner, service technician or any other person with access to the interior of the machine by opening the front door.
operator menuThe menu entered by pressing the test switch with the main door open that allows access to accounting, diagnostics, setup and other operator functions. This menu has an on screen display that shows what options are available.
operator selectableA value or option that is selectable only by the operator from the operator menu. The default value is one selected at machine configuration.
optic sensorAn electronic device used to sense mechanical motion and provide an electrical signal of this motion to the microcomputer system. In most of the optics devices used throughout GIT products, there is an infrared (invisible) light source that emits a beam of light on a photo transmitter. The device is strategically placed in the machine so that the mechanical motion which is being sensed will block the light path, thus causing a signal change in the output of the photo transistor.
optical coin detectionThe technique of validating coins being put in or being paid out of a gaming device using optical detectors.
optimumA calculated payout percentage range for a poker game assuming an "optimum" (skilled) play strategy for each and every hand.
Optimum PlayEmploying a combination of tactics and strategy that may not be quite computer-perfect, but is designed to yield the maximum long term win rate with real human play.
optimum player returnThe theoretical payback percentage on a poker machine being played according to the best case strategy for each and every hand.
ordered royal flushA poker game hand consisting of a royal flush positioned from left to right on the screen.
out of service modeThe machine is rendered inoperable without turning the power off.
output1) Data transferred from a computer's internal storage unit to some storage or output device. 2) The final result of data that have been processed by the computer.
output test
Press the self-test button twice on a PE+ Poker machine to bring up the output test screen.
pageIn video games, one full screen display of information as presented in the self test and statistical data modes.
PairTwo cards of the same value or rank.
parallel dealingA method of dealing-used by video poker machines made before the mid-eighties-in which the machine simultaneously chooses not just the five cards of the initial hand, but also the five replacement cards, assigning each of the five replacement cards to one of the original draw cards. When a player discards a card, the assigned replacement card is revealed.
parallel interfaceA personal computer interface that uses a multiple-path communication line, often used for printer connection.
parimutuelA racetrack.
partial payA predetermined number of coins that is paid to the player from the machine coin hopper upon hitting a jackpot. The balance of the jackpot is paid by an attendant. The number of coins paid in the partial pay is usually operator selectable.
partitioned softwareA slot machine architecture in which the machine's software program is broken down into two separate sections and stored in two separate memories. The overall machine operation instructions are stored separately from the reel strip and pay table in formation.
passwordA special word, code or symbol that must be presented to the computer system to gain access to its resources. Used for identification and security purposes.
pat handA dealt hand in which the player keeps all his cards without drawing new cards.
pay chartAn abbreviated version of a pay table that shows not only how many coins are returned for each winning hand based on coins bet for a particular game, but also the game's expected return.
pay tableA table, found on every video poker machine, that shows how many coins are returned for each winning hand based on the number of coins bet.
pay table glassThe top and/or bottom glass that shows the pay table for that machine.
pay table insertA separate piece of glass or film used when the exterior glass has a "grid" printed on it, but needs an additional pay table insert behind it representing the pay table.
PaybackA commonly used informal term for the long term Expected Return of a game as it is being played. You can expect to make a profit on a game only if its payback (including any slot club rebate and/or comps) is over 100%. A Payback of 98.3% is the same as an ER of 0.983.
payback percentageSee expected return.
PayoffThe number of coins or credits paid for a particular winning hand. For convenience in calculations, it is usually expressed on a "per-coin" basis. For example, a Full House in standard full pay Jacks-or-Better with five coins bet pays 45 coins, but instead of 45-for-5 this is usually expressed as 9-for-1. Note the use of "for" rather than "to" for the payoff odds; this is because the ' bet has already disappeared into the guts of the machine, and a Full House returns nine coins or credits for each coin or credit bet, which is actually an 8-to-1 payoff.
payoutAn award from a game.
Penalty CardA discard that does not affect the chances of making the primary target hand but whose absence from the remaining deck reduces the chances of making some of the secondary payoffs, thus reducing the EV of the play. It may or may not affect the decision. of which cards to hold.
penalty cardA card in a dealt hand that if discarded will reduce the player's chance of drawing a Flush or a Straight.
Perfect PlayEvery play is made for the absolute highest expected value. Although perfect play is easy on a trivial game such as Double Down Stud, it is nearly impossible for a human to achieve on most video poker games.
peripheralAn intelligent input/ output device connected to the machine such as a touchscreen, a printer, or a bill validator that communicates to the main processor via cables and proprietary interface software.
perkShort for "perquisite," a reward provided by a casino to a player as an incentive to play at that casino. Perks can include a complimentary room, food, and beverages; promotional gifts; cash back; show tickets; and more.
PEROMProgrammable and Erasable Read Only Memory A device that allows data to be rewritten. (same as FLASH)
Personal Computer-Slot Accounting System (PC-SAS)A data collection package that involves machines linked together fiber optically.
physical coins-inThe number of actual coins physically deposited into a game (differentiated from coin-in, which can be either a coin or a credit that is wagered).
physical stopThe actual places where the spinning reel can stop. There is a stop for each symbol shown on the reel strip.
picture cardSee face card.
PinwheelA rotating steel disc used in coin hoppers to dispense coins. Small metal "pins" or raised points located along the outer circumference of the pinwheel provide individual "pockets" where coins can ride along as the pinwheel rotates. As the coins reach the exit point of the hopper, they are stripped off the pinwheel by the hopper knife.
Play 5 Credits buttonSee Bet Max button.
Play Max Credits buttonSee Bet Max button.
play max (same as Play 0X")A screen button or a physical button. The play max function bets the maximum number of credits allowed provided there are enough credits on the credit meter.
play "X" (same as Play max)A screen button or a physical button. The play max function bets the maximum number of credits allowed provided there are enough credits on the credit meter.
player advantage gameA game with an expected return of more than 100%, which therefore favors the player rather than the casino. This is also called a positive game.
player digital displayIn reel slot machines, game information is presented as an LED digital display through windows on the slot glass.
player panel switch(same as player switch) An input switch that communicates player selections to the processor board. Some player switches also have functions in self test and statistical data modes.
player selectable creditA gaming machine feature that allows the player to play the machine in either credit or noncredit mode. The player uses the Cash Out switch to select the desired mode before playing the machine.
player switch (same as player panel switch)An input switch that communicates player selections to the processor board. Some player switches also have functions in self test and statistical data modes.
Player Tracking System (PT)A data collection package that enables the owner/ operator of GIT machines to identify and gather information about players via ID cards and readers.
players clubSee slot club.
players club cardSee slot club card.
pointsSee slot club points.
poll1) An electronic request for information, usually from a central PC or other computer to various peripheral devices. 2) The process of gathering the meter in formation from each game and reporting it to the central computer.
polling address (same as machine address)The address to which the machine responds during communication.
pop-up menuA menu that appears on the screen anywhere other than in the standard menu bar location.
portThe connection that allows communication between a digital system on a PC board and an external device.
positive gameSee player advantage game.
power supplyA circuit that supplies the DC voltages required for the operation of an electronic system. Usually a power supply will convert a 110 VAC line voltage to the needed DC voltage for a particular system.
printed-circuit boardA hardware component of a computer or other electronic device, consisting of a flat, rectangular piece of rigid material, commonly fiberglass, to which integrated circuits and other electronic components are connected.
printed ticketSome machines utilize a ticket printer rather than a coin hopper. When a win occurs and the player presses the Collect Winnings switch, a printed ticket dispenses from the machine and can then be redeemed for cash.
prize amountAn amount of money that can be won by playing a game. This could be a fixed amount or in the case of a progressive prizes, an amount that increases based on player activity.
prize baseThe initial prize amount for a progressive prize.
prize base resetThis value replaces the prize base value when a progressive prize is won.
prize base revertWhen a progressive prize is hit this value is copied to the prize base reset. This allows for a lower prize base reset when prizes are hit close together.
prize capThe absolute maximum dollar amount that a prize amount can reach.
prize contributionEach progressive prize has a contribution percentage associated with it., This factor is applied to each unit of credit played on the games associated with the progressive prize. The resulting contribution amount is used to increment the prize amount.
prize maximumThe highest amount a prize can reach in a 24-hour period.
prize maximum boostThe maximum dollar amount a prize amount can grow during a 24 hour period.
probabilityA number expressing the likelihood of an occurrence of a specific event.
processorThe hardware component of a computer that performs the actual computation by directly executing instructions represented in machine language and stored in main memory.
processor boardThe printed circuit board assembly in IGT gaming machines that contains all of the microcomputer system circuitry, as well as the interface circuitry associated with the game inputs and outputs.
programmable read-only memory (PROM)A type of ROM device that is programmed after fabrication, unlike ordinary ROM devices, which are programmed during fabrication.
progressiveA system of pooling a fraction of each wager into a cumulative function that is available for a top-pay win. A game that increments the prize amount based on player participation. The three kinds of progressives are Wide Area, Local Area, and Stand Alone.
progressive controllerControls all progressive functions in a progressive link system (several machines linked together to increment progressive totals equally).
progressive gameA game played at a video poker machine that's linked with other machines, all of which feed a progressive jackpot. See progressive jackpot.
progressive jackpotA monetary payout for a specific winning hand-usually, a Royal Flush-that increases until a player wins the jackpot.
progressive meterA display meter, linked to the progressive machine(s), that shows the potential amount that could be won.
PROM Programmable Read-Only MemoryMemory that can be programmed by electrical pulses. Once programmed, it is read-only.
promotional creditsCredits awarded to a player by a system computer. These credits can only be wagered toward game play and cannot be cashed out by a player.
protocolGenerically, the communication standard between two serial devices. Often used to reference the type of security, accounting and management systems that the machine is designed to communicate with.
PRTS Progressive Real Time SystemThis is the live or active system. It is in constant communication with all the devices that make up the online progressive system. The main communications interface of the PRTS is the system window.
PSR Program Summary ReportA three or four page report that describes the features, capabilities, self test pages and statistical data information for a game's program version.
PTS Player Tracking SystemA data collection package that enables the owner/ operator to identify and gather information about players via ID cards and readers.
pull-down menuA menu, usually used as an extension to the menu bar, that is hidden until you move the pointer to its title and press the mouse button.
PushNo exchange of money. The machine says a payoff equal to your bet is a win, but actually the one-for-one payoff is a push. Compare this with a blackjack hand where you and the dealer each have eighteen (or any equivalent hands except when you bust).
QUART Quad Universal Asynchronous Receiver TransmitterA communication device that provides four independent full-duplex asynchronous receiver/transmitter channels in one single package.
quicketSee ticket voucher.
racinoA racetrack that offers electronic gaming, such as video poker and slots. Most of the video poker machines found in these venues are video lottery terminals.
RAM Random Access MemoryA memory into which the user can enter information (write) and extract information (read). It is the working memory of the computer as well as the backup memory of game information that is stored in the CMOS RAM chip on the processor board.
randomA sample drawn from a population so that each member of the population has an equal chance of being drawn.
RandomEach event is unpredictable; therefore, each decision is unpredictable. It is important to understand that a random event may or may not have known probabilities.
random access memory (RAM)Volatile, digital, read/ write memory that can easily have its bit pattern changed.
random number generator (RNG)The internal component of a video poker machine that, through use of a computer chip, produces random combinations of numbers, each of which represents a specific card.
rankThe numerical value of a playing card.
Rated PaybackThe long term expected return of a game assuming perfect play. More accurately referred to as the game's Expected Return or the Game EV. This is the value returned by a game analysis.
ratingThe casino's evaluation of a player's level of comps. This is also called comp status.
RBP Rapid Bonus ProgressiveA progressive configuration that can increment and pay on up to six levels of winning combinations, rather than just the top and second levels.
read-only memory (ROM)Memory whose contents can be read but not changed; used for storing firmware.
real timeA term describing online computer processing systems that receive and process data quickly enough to produce output to control, direct, or affect the outcome of an ongoing activity or process.
real time clockAn optional battery-backed clock on the processor board used by some games.
RedrawAll five dealt cards are discarded.
reel stripA set of symbols on a slot reel.
reel strip listProvides exact pay table information and symbol alignment on each reel, and is shipped with the machine or with new reel program orders.
reserve fundThis account is used by the funding entity to accumulate prize contributions to pay for the prize base. As prize amounts are won, the prize base reset is used to decrement the amount.
reset amountThe starting amount for a progressive jackpot which is also the amount that is displayed after the progressive is hit.
reset switchA key-activated switch that: enables option selections within some self test pages; enters and advances through the statistical data mode; and resets the machine's internal progressive parameters (as applicable) after a jackpot.
retail siteAn establishment where gaming machines are played. This term is also synonymous with location, venue, and retail location.
Return to Game buttonThe button on a video poker machine touch screen that allows you to start playing once you have decided on your game and wager.
RFBA comp level at which a player receives free room, food, and beverages.
RFBLA comp level at which a player receives limited room, food, and beverages.
RFLA comp level at which a player receives name brand liquor as well as upgraded room and food. This is a higher comp level than RFB or RFBL.
RISC Reduced Instruction Set ComputerA type of central processing unit that usually has a smaller number of instructions that can be completed in 1-2 clock pulses.
Risk of RuinThe probability of losing an entire gambling bankroll or, for a tourist, the probability of losing a trip bankroll.
risk of ruinThe likelihood that a player will exhaust his bankroll.
riverboat casinoA commercial casino located on a body of water, although no longer required to cruise. Considered commercial casinos, riverboat casinos must follow state mandates. But because they must pay higher taxes than land-based casinos, riverboat casinos generally offer lower expected returns than their land-based counterparts.
RNGSee random number generator.
ROM Read-Only Memory Memorywhose contents can be read but not changed; used for storing firmware.
Royal CycleThe approximate number of hands it takes to get a Royal Flush. For most video poker games, this is about 40,000 hands.
royal flushA poker game hand consisting of a 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace of the same suit.
Royal FlushAn Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and Ten of the same suit.
RS-232A common standard for serial data communication interfaces.
RS-232 cableAny cable that is wired in accordance with the RS-232 standard.
RS-422A standard for serial data communication interfaces, different from the RS-232 standard in its electrical characteristics and in its use of differential pairs for data signals.
RS-485The electrical interface for a high-speed serial port.
SAMS Security Accounting Management SystemA system that provides a secure environment to operate the electronic gaming devices at a remote location.
SAS Slot Accounting SystemA data collection and accounting package developed by IGT. Data on machine activity is transmitted to a controller which, in turn, transmits the collected data to a computer.
scannerSee handheld terminal.
SCANT decoder boardAn optional PC board that allows video machines to display an SCANT (National Television Standards Committee) signal. DIP switches on the board allow various configurations.
schematicAn abstract representation of a complex device or concept, such as an electrical schematic.
screen buttonThe graphical representation of a button drawn on the video screen simulating the function of a physical button when the screen is touched within the screen button boundary.
scrollingThe vertical or horizontal movement of information (text or graphics) on a display screen in order to display additional information.
Secondary PayoffIn many cases we are drawing with the hope of making a particular big payoff, but much of the expected value of the play comes from smaller payoffs when we miss the big one. For example, you might draw two cards to a Royal Flush but end up instead with a high pair, two pair, three-of a-kind, a straight, a flush, a full house or a straight flush, any of which would be a secondary payoff.
See Pays buttonThe button on a video poker machine touch screen that causes the machine to display the game's pay table, as well as virtual buttons that allow you to highlight the amount you want to bet.
self test modeThe software mode that allows processor board input and output tests and enables option selections.
self test switchA service control switch that enters and advances through the self test mode, and enables data transfer between the CMOS RAM and EEPROM chips.
Semi-Euro creditA credit mode where coins may only be inserted up to the maximum bet amount. Any single win greater than the hopper limit is hand paid. A win that would cause the credits meter to exceed the credit limit is hopper paid. All other wins are paid to the credit meter. The credit limit is fixed at 9999.
SENET Synchronous Expansion NetworkAn IGT proprietary I/0 controller capable of handling 256 inputs and 256 outputs (switches, lamps). An auxiliary multiplexed channel providing 2,048 additional outputs.
Sequential Royal FlushA Royal Flush that appears on the screen of the video poker machine in perfect ascending or descending order, instead of random order. Extra money is sometimes paid for this rare hand.
serial communicationData communicated over a single path communication line, one bit at a time.
serial dealingA method of dealing-used by video poker machines made between the mid-eighties and late nineties-in which the machine simultaneously chooses not just the five cards of the initial hand, but also the five replacement cards, and stacks the replacements sequentially. When a player discards a card, the first replacement card in the sequence is revealed.
serial interfaceAn interface driver that controls communication via serial ports, between application and serial peripheral devices.
serial numberThe machine serial number which is stamped into the serial number tag on the outside of the machine.
service light (candle)A light assembly that mounts either on top of the machine or in a remote location and indicates various machine modes and game conditions. Most service lights have two or more "stages", or sections, stacked vertically.
seven-segment displayAn illuminated display device that is composed of seven separate straight oars of light that displays the digit 118" when illuminated.
shelf wheelA round metal disc attached to the hopper pinwheel. The shelf wheel is used to characterize the pinwheel for a specific coin size range. Changing from one denomination coinage to another usually requires changing the shelf wheel.
short-coin betA bet of less than maximum coins.
side eject hopperThe standard type hopper in most up right gaming machines that ejects coins in a sideward direction.
single/double progressiveRefers to the progressive operations of one or two top awards. Single progressive allows only the top award to be progressive. Double progressive allows the top two awards to be progressive.
SIS Slot Information SystemA data collection package that enables the owner/ operator of machines to keep information on players, as well as accounting information and statistical information related to machine events.
siteAn establishment where gaming machines are played. This term is also synonymous with location, venue, retail site, and retail location.
site IDA number used by the system to identify a location data record based on the ADSC, modem and CCOM numbers.
slant topA type of machine with a slanted top from which the game is viewed while the player is typically seated.
slave monitor boardA processor board that controls the video functions of the upper monitor in a dual-monitor machine or module.
slot cardSee slot club card.
slot clubA club created by a casino to promote customer loyalty by offering complimentary services, such as free rooms and meals, as an incentive to play at that casino.
slot club cardA card, issued by a casino, that when inserted in a video poker machine, allows the casino to track your play and reward you with complimentary services such as free meals, free rooms, etc. This is sometimes known as a slot card, players club card, club card, or comp card.
slot club pointsPoints issued by slot clubs to members of the club as an incentive to play at that casino. The points are based on the amount of money wagered over time, and can be redeemed for benefits such as cash, meals, and merchandise.
slot gameA type of machine that utilizes spinning slot reels or a video simulation of reels. A win occurs when reel symbols line up in a specified manner.
slot handleAn optional handle located on the right side of a slot machine. Pulling the handle after a wager causes the reels to spin.
Slot Information System (SIS)A data collection package that enables the owner/ operator of machines to keep information on players, as well as accounting information and statistical information related to machine events.
slot reelThe part of a slot machine that holds one reel strip and spins. Machines generally have three or more independent slot reels.
SMART card readerA device, connected to a workstation computer, that reads player or employee cards and allows access to player or employee records for display or update.
SMART System Slot Marketing And Revenue TrackingTo change software or hardware actions by changing settings. Modular system that is capable of providing player tracking, automating the accounting of a slot department, strengthening casino slot security and defining marketing targets.
SMID Slot Machine Interface BoardA device containing logic and interface boards inside the card box or gaming machine. These boards store machine data until polled by the DCU.
soft countThe counting of money generated by gaming operations in the form of paper bills.
soft dropThe controlled process of removing bills from bill acceptors located in gaming machines.
soft meterAn internal accounting system that can be displayed on the screen of a video machine, or in the coin window on a reel slot machine. The signals that increment or drive the hard meters are derived from the soft meter data, and the soft meters are re settable to zero.
solenoidAn electromagnetic device used to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. The solenoid consists of a coil which, when energized, becomes a magnet. The magnet then causes a metal component to move in order to activate a mechanical device.
SOS Slot Data SystemAn accounting system product of Bally Manufacturing.
spectrum displayA dot-matrix, multi-color display device used to display the amounts in a progressive system.
Speed buttonThe button on a video poker machine touch screen that modifies the speed with which the machine deals the cards.
SSR Solid State RelayA relay built primarily from integrated circuits and other electronic systems containing moving parts as part of their prime functions.
standThe wood or metal base, housing the drop box, to which a standard upright machine is attached.
standalone progressiveA progressive game played for a prize amount that can only be won on one machine.
Standard DeviationA statistical term used as a measure of the dispersion of expected results.
Standard Euro creditA credit mode where once the maximum bet is reached, all inserted coins are accumulated as credits in the credits meter up to the credit limit. A win that would cause the credits meter to exceed the credit limit is hopper paid. If this hopper pay amount is greater than the hopper limit, the amount is hand paid. All other wins are paid to the credits meter. The credit limit is set in self test.
statistical data modeThe software mode that displays statistics accumulated in the game play mode, such as the number of coins in or the number of credits won.
stepper motorA motor used for precision motion control Stepper motors rotate by applying a pulsating voltage to their winnings. Each pulse causes the stepper motor shaft to rotate only a few degrees.
StraightFive cards of more than one suit in consecutive order.
straight flushA poker game hand consisting of five cards of the same suit with consecutive values.
Straight FlushFive cards of the same suit in consecutive order.
subdirectoryA directory within a directory.
suitOne of four possible categories of playing cards: hearts, diamonds, spades, or clubs.
suitedOf the same suit.
super capThe large capacitors, C14 (.22F) on the SMIB logic board, and C26 (.47F) on the DCUboard, which act as battery backup to RAM. They can maintain RAM up to seven days.
synchronousThe ability to perform two or more processes at the same time controlled by a mutual timing signal or clock.
synchronous transmissionA data transmission in which the bits are transmitted at a fixed rate. The transmitter and receiver both use the same clock signals for synchronization.
tape backupA mechanism that reads and writes information on magnetic tape to provide a copy of user's data in case of an accident.
telecommunicationTransmitting information across varying distances, such as over telephone lines.
Telltale-PlusThe circuitry which allows the machine to determine if any of the high security doors, including the main door, and processor board on the machine were opened while the power was turned off.
terminalThe main console (keyboard and screen) of a system.
terminatorA component used at the end of a daisy-chain cable run to complete the circuit.
theoShort for "theoretical loss," the theoretical amount of money a casino expects to profit from an individual's play. This amount is used to determine the player's comps.
theoretical holdThe percentage of each credit that the machine will keep as gross profit.
Three of a KindThree cards of the same value or rank.
Three-of-a-KindAny three cards of the same value such as three 9's.
ticket acceptorThe assembly on a video poker machine that accepts a cash ticket and issues credit in return.
ticket-in ticket-out (TITO) machineA video poker machine that accepts currency or a cash ticket in return for credit, and dispenses a paper ticket voucher rather than coins when the player cashes out.
ticket voucherThe ticket dispensed by newer video poker machines (ticket-in ticket-out machines) that can be exchanged for cash by the casino cashier or at a self-redemption machine. This voucher is also called a quicket and a cash ticket.
tiltAn error in machine operation that suspends game play. Tilts can be caused by hardware or software problems and must be corrected before game play can continue.
TITO machineSee ticket-in ticket-out machine.
tokeSlang term for a tip given to casino staff.
Token creditA credit mode only available when the appropriate set chip has been used to select the credits per coin (token) amount. By selecting a non-zero number for the credit amount, the token credit mode can be selected in self test, while selecting a zero disables the credit mode. If the game was in token credit mode before using the set chip to change the credit amount to zero, the game defaults to Montana-style credit mode when powered up. (Refer to Montana-style credit.)
top boxAn enclosed area at the top of the machine that typically contains a light box and display glass, a candle and/or various optional assemblies.
top glassA silk screened piece of glass that fits into the top part of a game and usually shows the pay table.
top panelThe main machine door on flat-top and slant top machines. The top panel typically contains the player switches and/ or other player input devices, coin entry, coin tray, video or slot glass and other components.
touch panelA player input device on some video games, such as touch-panel keno. When the player touches a designated area on the panel, a corresponding area on the video screen is activated.
touch screenA screen on a new video poker machine that provides virtual buttons on the screen, in addition to the physical buttons located below the screen, and enables players to hold a card by touching its image.
touchscreenA video monitor that also acts as an input device by the action of touching specific locations of the screen to perform some activity or action.
touchscreen buttonThe graphical representation of a button drawn on the screen simulating the function of a physical button when the screen is touched within the screen button boundary.
tournamentSee video poker tournament.
transaction processor engine (TPE)A set of programs that monitor and control the machines and are responsible for coordinating prize amounts, accumulating group meters, gathering game meters data and ensuring the integrity of the system.
transistor-transistor logic (TTL)1) A family of integrated circuits having bipolar circuit logic. 2) A standard for interconnecting such circuits, which defines the voltages used to represent logical Os and ls.
tribal casinoSee Native American Indian casino.
twisted-pair wireA type of wire that is made up of 4 to 8 copper wires. Each wire is twisted around each other to deflect outside interference. There are two varieties shielded twisted pair and unshielded twisted pair.
Two PairTwo cards of one value or rank, plus two cards of another value or rank.
UART/DUARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter and Dual Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter These are integrated circuits that are used to communicate data from gaming machines to various accounting and security systems. The UART is a single device, i.e., one per package. The DUART is a dual device, i.e., two per package.
unit of creditOne unit of credit is equivalent to one unit of the base denomination associated with the game.
upright machineA type of machine that stands erect, usually attached to a stand. The machine door is hinged on the side and the game is viewed from the front.
validation decalA sticker on the outside of a video poker machine indicating that the machine has been legally installed.
VarianceThe square of the standard deviation. Most writers compare the variance of games, even though most people that have tried using both values find that the standard deviation gives a more intuitive feeling of likely bankroll fluctuations.
varianceA measure of the volatility of the game. Variance indicates how far actual game results will tend to deviate from expected results in the short term. See also volatility.
VBattBattery voltage.
Version 1 CVTThe term used to refer to CVTs that are connected to video/ reel machines with hoppers.
Version 2 CVTThe term used to refer to CVTs that are connected to video/ reel machines with ticket printers.
VGD Video Gaming DeviceA gaming machine. This term is also synonymous with EGM, machine, gaming machine, VGM and VLT.
VGM Video Gaming MachineA gaming machine. This term is also synonymous with EGM, machine, gaming machine, VGD and VLT.
video display screenThe portion of a video poker machine on which the virtual cards appear, along with certain virtual buttons.
video lottery terminal (VLT)An electronic game machine that looks like a video poker machine, but instead is programmed to produce a certain number of winners, like a paper lottery. Most VLTs do not contain random number generators (RNGs) and do not require skill or strategy.
video monitorA display device similar to a television screen used in video games to receive and display game and service information.
video poker tournamentA contest, set up by a casino, in which players compete for cash prizes.
virtual reelThe term used for electronic slot machines in which the number of reel stops in the computer program is greater than the number of stops on the actual reels of the machine.
VLT Video Lottery TerminalA type of game that is connected to a central computer system via a communications system. Video lottery customers often receive payment in the form of printed tickets that can be redeemed for cash.
VmVoltage in.
volatilityThe likelihood that, while playing a game, any individual result will vary greatly from the expected return. In high volatility games, short-term results are likely to vary from the expected return. In low volatility games, short-term results are likely to be close to the expected return. See also variance.
voucherA printed ticket from a video lottery terminal (VLT) which is redeemed for cash in lieu of direct payment as with a gaming machine.
VoutVoltage out.
W-2G formA tax form issued by a casino when a player wins a single jackpot of $1,200 or more. Copies are given to the player and filed with the IRS.
wagerThe amount bet on a game.
WAMMWide Area Marketing Monitoring A data collection package developed by IGT. Data on machine activity is transmitted to a CCOM which, in tum, transmits the collected data to a computer.
WAN Wide Area NetworkA network of geographically distant computers and terminals.
wandSee handheld terminal.
WAP System Wide Area Progressive SystemA group of progressive games that are played for a prize amount funded by the controlling agency. Refers to games such as Megabucks® and Quartermania®.
wide area network (WAN)A network of geographically distant computers and terminals.
wild cardA card that can represent any other card in order to complete a hand.
winUsually refers to the dollar value of a gaming machine's hold percentage. It is calculated by multiplying the coin-in value in dollars times the hold percentage.
win/loss statementA statement issued by a casino showing a player's total amount won or lost for a particular year. This statement can reflect only that gaming activity which has been tracked through the use of a slot club card.
Win rateYour expected average long-term rate of gain, usually expressed in dollars per hour. If the house has the edge then your win rate is negative (an expected loss rate).
windowA portion of the video display area dedicated to some specified purpose. Special software allows the screen to be divided into multiple windows that can be moved around and made bigger or smaller. Windows allow the user to treat the computer display screen like a desktop where various files can remain open simultaneously.
won creditsCredits a player earns by winning games on a gaming machine.
workstation1) An individual work area that includes one or more devices on a network 2) A node through which a user can access a server or other nodes.
Zero sumThe total of all values involved in the game does not change; that is, everything that is lost by one or more players is won by other players. Most casino games are zero sum, the principal exception being live table poker where the rake makes it a negative sum game.
ZilchNothing. A final hand that does not yield a payoff.