Restoring vintage arcade and gaming machines is as much about uncovering history as it is about repairs. Host Lawton Barnes embarks on a mission to breathe new life into an old and worn-out IGT Jokers Wild draw poker machine.

“This IGT Jokers Wild draw poker machine used to be old and busted,” Barnes says at the start of the video. “We are going to turn it into the new hotness that you see here in this four-part video series.”
Barnes purchased the machine for just $75 through Facebook Marketplace and drove to Saltillo, Texas, to pick it up. Upon first inspection, he discovered several issues—most notably, a persistent “call attendanterror message and a low battery warning. Despite its rough condition, the machine still powered on, a promising sign for the restoration process.

One of the machine’s most intriguing features was its connection to Caesars Atlantic City. “I’ve always thought most of these machines came out of Vegas,” Barnes remarks. “And, I’ve kind of always wondered how they ended up here in Texas.”

The restoration process began with replacing the worn-out 3.6V lithium battery. “We’re dealing with antiques here,” Barnes advises viewers. “Go slow, be gentle. And like my grandpa used to say, if it don’t fit, don’t force it.” After a successful replacement, the screen displayed scrambled data—an improvement over the previous blue screen.

Barnes was surprised to find that the machine’s graphics resembled those of a Player’s Edge Plus rather than the expected Fortune Two model. “That is not what I expected to find at all,” he says. Further investigation revealed that the machine housed an IGT Fortune Two board set with custom Caesars graphics.

As the restoration continues in Part Two, Barnes will clean the machine and run it through diagnostic tests to determine the next repairs. Stay tuned as he brings this classic poker machine back to life!

Lawton Barnes

Lawton Barnes

Lawton Barnes owns 14 video poker and slot machines in various states of disrepair. He desperately needs to get a haircut and a real job.

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